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O Dolcezze Amarissime. Madrigaux, ricercars et chansons instrumentales italiennes du 17e siècle. Invernizzi, Rasi.
5 de Diapason
Diapason from January 2025
Review de Denis Morrier
Page No. 100
Format : 1 CD
Total Time : 00:57:46

Recording : 01/11/2012
Location : Vérone
Country : Italie
Sound : Eglise / Stereo

Label : Fineline Classics
Catalog No. : FL72419
EAN : 0608917241921
Price Code : DM015A

Publishing Year : 2024
Release Date : 10/07/2024

Genre : Classical
Gesualdi da Venosa (1566-1613)
Extraits du "Quinto libro de madrigali a 5 voci"
Asciugate i begli occhi
Se vi duol moi duolo
Paigne e sospira

Luca Marenzio (1553-1643)
Extraits du "Quinto libro a 5"
Due rose fresche
Non vede un simili par

Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)
Canzon seconda a 4 sopra Romanesca, extrait de "Canzoni di sonare, Libro I"

Gioseffo Guami (1540-1611)
Extraits de "Canzoni di sonare"
Canzon VIII "La Gentile"
Canzon XI "La Morale"

Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612)
Da quei begl'occhi", extrait de "Terzo Libro a 5"

Giaches de Wert (1535-1596)
Extraits de "Undecimo libro a 5"
Ah, dolente partita!
Dolcezze amarissime d'amore
Extraits du "Nono libro di madrigali a 5 e a 6"
Vago augelletto che cantando vai
Io non so se la parti sarian pari

Tarquinio Merula (1595-1665)
Canzon "La Merula", extrait du "Primo Libro delle Canzoni a 4 voci"

Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Extraits du "Secondo Libro de mardigalia 5 voci"
La boca onde l'asprissime parole
Cantai un tempo, e se fu dolce il canto
O tenebroso giorno, extrait de "Quinto libro di madrigali"

Giovanni Maria Trabaci (1575-1647)
Canzone Francesca Settima cromatica, extrait de "Ricercate, canzone francese"

Roberta Invernizzi, soprano
Accademia Strumentale Italiana
Alberto Rasi, viole de gambe, direction

« O très amères douceurs de l’amour… » Cet oxymore emprunté à un madrigal de Giaches de Wert résume la tonalité néo-pétrarquiste des madrigaux rassemblés dans ce bel album. Cette anthologie rassemble la fine fleur des madrigalistes de la fin du XVIe et du début du XVIIe siècles, avec en prime un presque inconnu, Gioseffo Guami. Les esprits chagrins pourraient critiquer la réduction à une voix soliste de ces petits bijoux polyphoniques, écrits le plus souvent pour cinq voix. Mais quelle voix ! Ne boudons pas le plaisir que nous offre la grande soprano Roberta Invernizzi. De sa voix chaude et sensuelle, elle cisèle chaque mot, chaque idée musicale, à tel point que l’on croirait ces bijoux écrits pour elle. De ces miniatures, elle fait des drames passionnés. A écouter pour le plaisir des oreilles et de l’intellect. (Marc Galand)

In the mid-16th century, counterpoint – now no longer the abstract and self-referential art of good voice leading – entered the orbit of musica poetica, the form of music in which the communicative element was emphasized: by the very imitation of the concept contained in the words, music now gained the power to lend a sensually perceivable soul to the resounding numbers, the rational component of the composition. Of course such poetically conceived music had to be vocal music; and the madrigal became the genre in which the perfect balance between ratio and sensus, between rationality and sensuality, could be struck. Written and visual sources testify that the practice of combining vocal lines and instruments was common when performing polyphonic works. Long before the rise of accompanied monody, the practice of ‘concerted’ madrigals had translated the theoretic concept of musica poetica into practical performance formulas which did justice to the intelligibility of words and texts. The combination of a solo vocal line and accompaniment by a consort of viols seems ideal in order to render the text completely and intelligibly, while keeping the sound structure of polyphony intact at the same time.

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