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Anton Heiller : Œuvres pour orgue, chœur et orchestre. Lusser, Kargl, Matsch, Planyavsky.
Format : 7 SACD Hybride
Prise de son : Stereo Surround

Label : Gramola
Référence : GRAM99315
EAN : 9003643993150
Code Prix : DM085

Année d'édition : 2024
Date de sortie : 01/05/2024

Genre : Classique
Anton Heiller (1923-1979)
Œuvres pour orgue seul
Œuvres pour chœur et orgue
Œuvres pour orchestre et orgue

Ludwig Lusser, orgue
Cappella Nova Graz
Simon Erasimus Momentum Vocal Music
Domkantorei St. Pölten
Otto Kargl, direction
Puellae Wilthinensis
Norbert Matsch, direction
NÖ Tonkünstlerorchester
Peter Planyavsky, direction

Anton Heiller (1923-1979) was by far the most influential figure to shape the significance that the 'king of instruments', the organ, achieved in Austria in the second half of the 20th century - a significance that continues undiminished today, decades after Heiller's death, and is passed on by his many students and their students in turn. In Heiller, the composer, the additional creative dimension can be heard and, provided one is able to do so, played. While there is strictly speaking no need for anniversaries to honour this outstanding personality, the 100th anniversary of Heiller's birth is a unique opportunity to present his works in a systematic manner, as is the case with this recording of his organ works. Its distinctive character has established Heiller's music firmly in the international repertoire, with sacred music occupying the most prominent place in the composer's oeuvre. His organ compositions also frequently refer to ecclesiastical themes. For this complete recording of all 36 works, Ludwig Lusser, cathedral organist at St. Pölten, recorded the 24 works for solo organ, the ten works for choir and organ, and the two concertos for organ and orchestra on the cathedral's Metzler organ, starting in 2012, and working with conductor Otto Kargl (Domkantorei St. Pölten, Cappella Nova Graz), Simon Erasimus (Momentum Vocal Music), Norbert Matsch (Puellae Wilthinensis) and Peter Planyavsky (Niederösterreichisches Tonkünstlerorchester). It is both comforting and gratifying that, contrary to current trends in dealing with deceased contemporary composers, Anton Heiller remains widely present today through his vital musical legacy.

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