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Louis Spohr : Musique de chambre pour soprano, clarinette et piano. Klisowska, Parisi, Bissanti.
Format : 1 CD
Durée totale : 00:46:19

Enregistrement : 01-13/12/2018
Lieu : Bernareggio
Pays : Italie
Prise de son : Studio / Stereo

Label : Brilliant Classics
Référence : BRIL95638
EAN : 5028421956381

Année d'édition : 2020
Date de sortie : 28/10/2020

Genre : Classique
Louis Spohr (1784-1859)
Andante et Variations, op. 34
Six lieder allemands, op. 103
Sei still mein Herz
Das heimliche Leid
Wach auf
Thème et variations sur un thème de l'opéra "Alruna"
Potpourri, op. 80

Joanna Klisowska, soprano
Rocco Parisi, clarinette
Francesco Bissanti, piano

Spohr fut une autorité musicale de son temps. Ses concertos pour violon et ses opéras eurent un grand succès tout au long du XIXe siècle. Il est cependant devenu rare au concert et au disque. Aussi est-ce un plaisir de découvrir ces pièces pour piano, clarinette et voix, formation rare et originale. Après l’intéressant Andante avec Variations introductif, le point fort de cet enregistrement est sans aucun doute les six Deutsche Lieder op. 103. Hormis le délicieux n°4 où la clarinette se contente de répondre à la voix et le piano d’accompagner, les trois instruments sont traités à égalité et dialoguent constamment, se partageant les lignes mélodiques simples tantôt dramatiques tantôt plus légères ; Joanna Klisowska excelle dans l’exercice, restituant de sa voix claire au timbre élégant et chaleureux, le texte de manière très distincte, plaisir trop rare de tout comprendre : on sent l’air de cour pointer sous le lied allemand. L’entente entre elle-même et son comparse Rocco Parisi est parfaite et l’on sent une réelle jubilation commune quand arrive le bucolique et charmant Wach auf final. (Jacques Saury)

A new recording of Spohr’s masterpiece in the field of art-song, complemented by a trio of attractive instrumental rarities. Though his star has fallen since his death in 1859, Louis Spohr was once commonly ranked alongside the greatest of his contemporaries. Like Beethoven he gained fame in Vienna and wrote prolifically in all the classical genres, but he travelled more widely, and his operas and oratorios won particular acclaim in France and England respectively. Spohr’s curse and gift was fluency: whether written in serious or popular vein, his music is unfailingly mellifluous and beautifully written, falling easily on the ear while offering a satisfying challenge to its performers. As a violinist Spohr was considered second only to his friend Paganini. His brilliant virtuoso style and great skill in phrasing effectively founded a German school of violin playing. He understood equally well how to write for soprano and for clarinet, and the centrepiece of this collection is his set of Sechs Deutsche Lieder Op.103 (1837), which follow the example of Schubert’s late and sublime song Der Hirt an dem Felsen (The Shepherd on the Rock) in weaving a clarinet obbligato around the vocal line. Spohr himself had produced several previous sextets of German-language songs but in this cycle he was inspired to new expressive heights by his long friendship with the clarinettist Johann Simon Hermstedt. This fruitful partnership had also resulted in two clarinet concertos and the lighter fantasies included here: the Potpourri Op.80 based on themes by his German contemporary Peter von Winter and the less-familiar Op.21 Fantasia on themes from his own unstaged opera Alruna. Both of them are gloriously melodic as well as affording ample opportunities for brilliance. More Mozartian in its lyricism is the Andante variation movement from his Op.34 Nottorno, originally scored for wind ensemble and arranged here for clarinet and piano.

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