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Christian Friedrich Ruppe : Cantates de Noël et de Pâques. Van der Heyden, Van der Poel, Bouwknegt, Sandler, Wentz.
Format : 1 CD
Durée totale : 00:52:51

Enregistrement : 28-30/06/1995
Lieu : Amerongen
Pays : Pays-Bas
Prise de son : Eglise / Stereo

Label : Brilliant Classics
Référence : BRIL96108
EAN : 5028421961088

Année d'édition : 2020
Date de sortie : 28/10/2020

Genre : Classique
Christian Friedrich Ruppe (1753-1826)
Cantate de Noël
Cantate de Pâques

Francine van der Heyden, soprano
Karin van der Poel, mezzo-soprano
Otto Bouwknegt, ténor
Mitchell Sanfler, basse
Ensemble Bouzignac
Musica Ad Rhenum
Jed Wentz, direction

S'il naquit sur le sol allemand en 1753, le compositeur Christian Friedrich Ruppe mena l'essentiel de sa carrière en Hollande, principalement à Leyde où il exerça en tant qu'ordinaris musikant. Pratiquant essentiellement la musique d'église, il fondit en 1796 le chœur mixte de l'orphelinat pour lequel il composa de nombreuses œuvres dont deux grandes Cantates de Noël et de Pâques écrites entre 1796 et 1797 et qui constituent son legs le plus important avec sa Grande Bataille de Waterloo, pièce pour piano composée en 1896. Composées pour grand orchestre solistes et chœur, les cantates puisent à diverses sources italiennes, françaises et germaniques et concilient efficacement luxuriance instrumentale et foisonnement mélodique. Si la ritournelle et le chœur de la Cantate de Noël réfère ouvertement à la sinfonia italienne, les intermèdes instrumentaux évoquent Haydn. La dimension opératique et l'esprit Sturm und Drang de la Cantate de Pâques sont plus caractéristiques de l'oratorio germanique (Haydn mais aussi Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach) et de l'opéra français (André Grétry). L'ensemble est interprété avec conviction par le Musica ad Rhenum dirigé par le flûtiste Jed Wentz. (Jérôme Angouillant)

Tuneful and touching church cantatas from the end of the 18th century in their first and only recordings. The German-born Christian Friedrich Ruppe (1753-1826) made his career in the Dutch city of Leiden, where he had originally arrived in 1773 as a student of mathematics and literature. In 1784 he married Christina Chalon (1748-1808), the daughter of the lead violinist the of the Nederlands Theater in Amsterdam. In 1890 he was appointed as music director of the city’s renowned and ancient university, and from 1802 he taught theory of music there, having in 1788 become organist of the city’s principal Lutheran Church. In 1796 an orphanage choir was founded in Leiden on Ruppe’s initiative, consisting of girls and boys from the Holy Spirit or Poor Orphanage and Children's Home near the church. During the following church year he then composed a pair of cantatas on anonymous Dutch texts, designed for the orphanage choir. Despite their musical richness and evident beauties, the scores remained in the archives of the orphanage, only to be rediscovered in 1987. Two centuries after their first performance, they received the recordings reissued here by an accomplished team of experienced Dutch early-music performers. While comparing the cantatas to the music written by Handel for the Foundling Hospital would not flatter Ruppe, his music nonetheless exhibits many charms of its own: unfailingly graceful phrasing, for one, fresh melodic charm and sympathetic writing for voices. There appears to be a clear Haydnesque imprint to both works, but operatic models are more evident in the sinfonia that opens the Christmas Cantata as well as the style of the dramatic recitatives which move along each development of the familiar story. The work concludes with a trumpet-and-drum chorus in the style of oratorios such as Messiah and The Creation, whereas the language of the Easter music is more rooted in Protestant tradition, rising to the grand harmonisation of an Easter chorale designed for singing by the choir and entire congregation. Any listener keen to expand their knowledge of Classical-era sacred music will find here an album to savour.

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