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Pour l'amour de Mahler : La vie inspirée de Henry-Louis de La Grange.
5 de Diapason
Diapason from September 2016
Review de Jean-Charles Hoffelé
Page No. 146
Format : 1 DVD Vidéo
Total Time : 01:17:00
Sound : Stereo
Image Format : NTSC
Aspect Ratio : 16:9
Subtitles : EN (pour les dialogues en français), FR, DE

Label : VAI Audio
Catalog No. : VAI4584
EAN : 0089948458494
Price Code : DM034B

Publishing Year : 2015
Release Date : 25/05/2016

Genre : Classical
Pour l'Amour de Mahler
Un film documentaire de Jason Starr sur Henry-Louis de La Grange, historien de la musique et grand spécialiste de Gustav Mahler, qui nous conduit de Marrakech à Paris avec un détour par les Alpes Italiennes. De la rédaction de sa biographie en 4 volumes du compositeur à la façon dont la musique de Mahler a inspiré sa vie. Avec des commentaires de Pierre Boulez, Riccardo Chailly, Christoph Eschenbach ou encore Marina Mahler, petite fille du compositeur avec laquelle il a noué de profonds liens d'amitié.

Henry-Louis de La Grange

For the Love of Mahler takes us into the passionate world of Henry-Louis de La Grange, a charismatic 91-year-old music historian who, since first hearing a Mahler symphony in 1945, devoted the rest of his life to researching every detail of the composer’s biography. After meeting Mahler's widow Alma in 1952, his deepening friendships with Gustav and Alma’s daughter Anna, and granddaughter Marina, made him a virtual member of the family. The film joins Henry-Louis on his annual migration from Marrakech to Paris and to the Italian Alps, while he busily works on revising his epic four-volume biography of Gustav Mahler. How Mahler’s music inspired his life, and how Henry-Louis channeled an obsession into a lifetime of groundbreaking discoveries, famous friendships and award-winning accomplishments, demonstrates the remarkable power of music to change lives. Includes commentary by Pierre Boulez, Riccardo Chailly, Christoph Eschenbach, Thomas Hampson, Marina Mahler (the composer’s granddaughter), and others.

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