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Julia Karosi ft. Ben Monder : Without Dimensions.
Format : 1 CD
Total Time : 00:58:34

Recording : 11-13/02/2019
Location : Budapest
Country : Hongrie
Sound : Studio / Stereo

Label : Double Moon
Catalog No. : DMCHR71378
EAN : 0608917137828
Price Code : DM015A

Publishing Year : 2020
Release Date : 01/11/2020

Genre : Jazz
Without Dimensions
Without Dimensions
Epigrams n° 7, 8
Only the purest source "Hommage à Béla Bartok"
Bluebeard's Castle Prologue
Mikorkosmos III, n° 92
Romanian Folk Dances n° 3
Outro for Romanian Folk Dances n° 3
Mikrokosmos IV, n° 115
Mikrokosmos IV, n° 113
Words and Beyond Part 1
Words and Beyond Part 2
Words and Beyond Part 3
Madeleine Moment

Julia Karosi, voix
Ben Monder, guitare
Aron Talas, piano
Adam Bogothy, contrebasse
Bendeguz Varga, batterie

I always wondered whether music belongs to any of the dimensions as theorized in the “standard model” in modern physics. I summarized my subjective answer as the title of this album. I believe that music’s apparent lack of dimensions pertains to its unique ability to lift us humans into a sphere of existence where we become unaware of time and space. I also believe that these timeless experiences are usually tied to specific events in our lives, - often catching us unawares of their significance - the very moments that make our lives worth living for. I considered some unforgettable moments in my own life with the programmatic titles in my original compositions in this album. Rebirth reflects on the birth of my son followed by Insomnia (obviously), Words andBeyond is a conflict between verbal and non-verbal forms of expression. Madeleine Moment is a musical quote of Marcel Proust’s poetic description of involuntary memory in his In Search of Lost Time. In this album I wish to pay a “jazz tribute” to two of the greatest Hungarian composers of the twentieth century, Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály with arrangements and jazz transcriptions of their works. I hope they wouldn’t mind! (Julia Karosi)

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