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Florian Leopold Gassmann : Airs d'opéras. Vegry, Stern.
Format : 1 CD
Total Time : 01:04:59

Recording : 2016-2017
Location : Hanovre
Country : Allemagne
Sound : Stereo

Label : CPO
Catalog No. : CPO555057
EAN : 0761203505722
Price Code : DM021A

Publishing Year : 2020
Release Date : 04/03/2020

Genre : Classical
Florian Leopold Gassmann (1729-1774)
Arias extraits de "Achille in Sciro"
Ah, ingrato, amor
Aria extrait de "Catone in Utica"
Se in campo armato
Dovea svenarti allora
Per darvi alcun pegno
"Nessuno consola un povero core", Air extrait de "La Zingara"
Arias extraits de "L'amore artigiano"
Ah, che son fuor di me
Che vuoi dir con questi palpiti
Aria "Come mi sprezza ancora"
"Cogli amanti", Aria extrait de "La serve rivali"
Arias extraits de "L'opera seria"
Barbara e non rammenti
Delfin che al laccio infido
Dove son
Pallid' ombra
Saprei costante e ardita

Ania Vegry, soprano
NDR RadioPhilharmonie
David Stern, direction

Alors que certains artistes s’attèlent avec plus ou moins de bonheur à enregistrer des œuvres déjà omniprésentes au disque, d’autres se lancent dans l’exploration de partitions moins connues, parfois injustement négligées. Lorsque l’entreprise réussit, elle assure le plaisir d’une double découverte. C’est ce que l’on constate ici avec ces airs pour soprano extraits d’opéras de Florian Leopold Gassmann, musicien autrichien né en Bohème, mort à l’âge de 45 ans, ami de Salieri et protégé de l’empereur Joseph II. Sa musique se trouve en l’occurrence servie avec conviction par David Stern et l’orchestre de la radio de Hanovre. Mais c’est bien sûr la performance de la soprano Ania Vegry que l’on saluera. Lauréate du concours de Genève, elle a entamé une carrière prometteuse, lui faisant interpréter les œuvres allant de Bach aux compositeurs du 20e siècle. Elle enchante par ce rare équilibre entre sa parfaite maitrise vocale, jusqu’à la virtuosité, et un évident naturel qui rend ces airs si spontanément accessibles, notamment dans l’irrésistible Opera seria, chef d’œuvre d’autodérision musicale. Une réussite exemplaire pour ce témoignage nous guidant dans la subtile transition conduisant de l’opéra italien à Mozart. (Alain Monnier)

The soprano Ania Vegry, the recipient of many prizes, was nominated by Opernwelt as the Young Artist of the Year in 2009 and has been an ensemble member at the State Opera of Lower Saxony in Hanover since 2007. The Online Musik Magazin certifies that »her soprano voice, most highly fluent in the coloraturas, possesses warmth and substance, expressive power, and flawless intonation« – which makes her the ideal choice for the rich affections of the arias of Florian Leopold Gassmann, an Austrian composer on the cusp between the Baroque and Early Classicism. After two years of study with Giovanni Battista Martini, Gassmann became an organist in Venice. In 1757 he composed his first opera, and through 1762 he composed an opera every year for the Carnival season In Venice. The musical settings heard on this recording include arias belonging to the genre of the opera seria, the Italian-language serious opera of the eighteenth century. Others are exit arias in da capo form and typical of the genre: after the action – designed as a recitative in the music during the course of a singer’s time on stage – has advanced, one of the protagonists expresses his state of heart and mind in an aria before he exits from the stage. The da capo form (A-B-A) underscores the fact that dramaturgically the static unity of the affection to be expressed occupies the foreground. In his later vocal works Gassmann goes much farther in his elaboration of textual nuances, so that the works have the effect of vocal arias for an opera buffa. The text is bursting with emotional excitement, which Gassmann sets in a relaxed tone and with long coloraturas composed with fine art.

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