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Accueil  Catalogue  Contemporain  0018010KAI
Catherine Lamb : Aggregate Forms. JACK Quartet.
Format : 2 CD Digipack
Durée totale : 02:25:59

Enregistrement : 25-26/02/2021
Lieu : Mount Vernon
Pays : Etats-Unis
Prise de son : Stereo

Label : Kairos
Référence : 0018010KAI
EAN : 9120010282102

Année d'édition : 2021
Date de sortie : 01/12/2021

Genre : Classique
Catherine Lamb (1982-)
Quatuor à cordes "Two Blooms"
Divisio spiralis

JACK Quartet
Christopher Otto, violon
Austin Wulliman, violon
John Pickford Richards, alto
Jay Campbell, violoncelle

“The radically mind-expanding challenges of Catherine Lamb’s string, quartets have given me great joy and satisfaction. Imagining and creating the sonic relations yields an integration of number and sound, offering a pathway toward ultimate oneness. Opening ears and mind to infinitely rich patterns, these resonances penetrate deeply to the core. The recording is not an endpoint, but part of a broadening process, a continuous evolution of abstract relationships becoming concrete, erasing artificial divisions between melody, harmony, and timbre, between body, mind, and spirit.” (Christopher Otto, JACK Quartet) With her deft explorations of harmony via justly tuned intervals, Lamb’s music lifts the veil of the world, letting us hear the plenitude that’s just on the other side of our everyday hearing.

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