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Affetti e Tastiature : L'école napolitaine d'orgue aux 17 et 18 èmes siècles. Di Lernia, Magarelli.
Format : 1 CD Digipack

Label : Digressione
Catalog No. : DCTT62
EAN : 8054726140627
Price Code : DM019A

Publishing Year : 2016
Release Date : 01/02/2017

Genre : Classical
Joan Ambrosio Dalza (?-1508)
Pavane à la vénitienne, extrait du livre n° 4 de tablature de luth

Andrea Gabrieli (1533-1585)
Canzona terza
Toccata per la levitazione, extrait de "Fiori Musicali"

Bernardo Pasquini (1637-1710)
Variazioni per il Paggio Todesco

Paolo Quagliati (?1555-1628)
Toccata dell'Ottavo Tuono

Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757)
Larghetto de la Sonate K. 34
Allegro de la Sonate K. 35

Gaetano Greco (1657-1728)
Toccata XIII

Bernardo Pasquini (1637-1710)
Tastata Per Milone

Domenico Zipoli (1688-1726)
Pastorale de la Sonate d'Intavolatura pour orgue et clavecin

Ascanio Mayone (?1565-1627)
Ricercar Primo, extrait du Premier livre de Caprices

Gregorio Strozi (1615-?1687)
Balletto primo
Balletto secondo

Gaetano Valeri (1760-1785)
Sonate IX
Sonate X

Baldassare Galuppi (1706-1785)

Anonyme (Italie, seconde moitié du 17ème siècle)
Toccata italienne de 1er ton

Francesco Di Lernia, orgue
Gaetano Magarelli, orgue

Currently in the churches of Molfetta (Italy) there are seven historical organs (built between the XVII and XIX century), five instruments perfectly restored under the general supervision of Bari Superintendence. The aim of this recording is to enhance not only the valuable work of organs restoration and the commitment to the making of it, but also the peculiar technical features of these ancient instruments, local evidence of the Neapolitan organ building school.

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