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Cécile Chaminade et ses contemporains jouent Chaminade. Œuvres pour piano.
Format : 1 CD
Total Time : 01:22:37

Recording : 1901-1950
Location : Londres/New York/Camden
Country : Royaume-Uni/Etats-Unis

Label : APR
Catalog No. : APR5647
EAN : 5024709156474
Price Code : DM014B

Publishing Year : 2025
Release Date : 12/02/2025

Genre : Classical
Cécile Chaminade (1857-1944)
Air de Ballet, op. 30 (2 versions)
Extraits de "Callirhoë", op. 37
Pas des écharpes (2 versions)
Air de ballet
Pas des Amphores
Courante, op. 95
Les sylvains, op. 60
Danse créole, op. 94 (2 versions)
Air de Ballet "Pierrette", op. 41
La lisonjera, op. 50 (2 versions)
Toccata, op. 39
Valse caprice, op. 33
Etude romantique, op. 132
Quatrième valse, op. 91
Interlude, op. 152
Sérénade en ré majeur, op. 29
Fileuse, op. 35
Arlequine, op. 53
Scherzo en do majeur, op. 35
Aubade, op. 140
Valse-Arabesque, op. 94 n° 4
Nocturne, op. 165
Berceuse arabe, op. 166
Automne, op. 35 n° 2
Autrefois, op. 87 n° 4

Cécile Chaminade, piano
Lilian Bryant, piano
Una Bourne, piano
William Murdoch, piano
Rudolph Ganz, piano
Gertrude Meller, piano
Marie Novello, piano
Max Darewski, piano
Maurice Cole, piano
Hans Barth, piano
Mark Hambourg, piano
Shura Cherkassky, piano

The recent ‘discovery’ of the music of Cécile Chaminade (1857-1944) belies the fact that in the early years of the 20th century she was immensely popular, touring both Europe and the US as a pianist, exclusively in her own music.Changing fashions brought an abrupt end to this fame, but in the first thirty years of the recording industry, up to 1930, over 80 discs of her piano music alone were released. Her own discs from 1901, presented complete here, are some of the earliest by a classical pianist. Many of her most popular pieces were recorded multiple times, but this set presents chronologically at least one version of every work recorded on 78s and introduces as many different pianists as practical.

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