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Cage Edition, vol. 45 : L'œuvre pour percussion, vol. 2.
Format : 1 CD
Durée totale : 01:03:30

Enregistrement : 26-30/06/2011
Pays : Etats-Unis
Prise de son : Stereo

Label : Mode
Référence : MODE243
EAN : 0764593024323
Code Prix : DM020A

Année d'édition : 2012
Date de sortie : 10/07/2013

Genre : Classique
John Cage (1912-1992)
Third Construction, pour quatuor de percussion (1941)
Second Construction, pour quatuor de percussion (1940)
First Construction
in Metal
, pour sextuor de percussion (1939)
Trio (1936)
Quartet (1935)
Living Room Music (1940)

Gregory Beyer, percussion
Ross Karre, percussion

John Cage’s vision of the future of music was first shaped by an intense creative period from 1935-1942, when he wrote many of the seminal works of percussion chamber music featured here. When he composed these works, the young Cage was basically the same age as the members of Third Coast Percussion. This release includes all three of the groundbreaking Constructions. First Construction (in Metal) utilizes dozens of metal instruments which are beaten, scraped and shaken, creating an other worldly mixture of resonant sound unlike any heard before it. Second Construction prominently features one of Cage’s greatest inventions, the prepared piano. Finally, Third Construction brings the greatest degree of complexity and the widest range of instrumental timbres yet, creating one of the first landmark pieces in the percussion chamber music literature. There are very few recordings of the early works Quartet and Trio. The surprisingly beautiful sounds of everyday objects come forth in Third Coast Percussion’s recording of Living Room Music, recorded onsite at the futuristic Ford House in Aurora, IL, designed by one of America’s most iconoclastic architects, Bruce Goff, in 1947. Third Coast utilize the house itself as an instrument for the first movement. All works dynamically directed and filmed by Ross Karre.

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