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Wilhelm Stenhammar : Gillet på Solhaug op. 6, opéra. Precht, Andersson, Paulsson, Ztterström, Lundh, Schaefer.
Format : 3 CD
Durée totale : 02:40:56

Enregistrement : 01/08/2015
Lieu : Norrköping
Pays : Suède
Prise de son : Stereo

Label : Sterling
Référence : CDO1108/10
EAN : 7393338110828

Année d'édition : 2016
Date de sortie : 01/06/2016

Genre : Classique
Wilhelm stenhammar (1871-1927)
Gillet på Solhaug op. 6, opéra en 3 actes

Per-Hakan Precht
Karolina Andersson
Matilda Paulsson
Fredrik Zetterstrom
Erik Lundh
Mathias Zachariassen
Anton Ljungqvist
Musikaliska Sällskapets Kammarkör
Akademisa Kören Linköpping
Norrköpings Vokalensemble
Henrik Bergion, direction
Marie-Louise Beckman, direction
Orchestre Symphonique de Norrköping
Henrik Schaefer, direction

A truly great discovery! Here is the first and foremost Swedish Romantic opera. Written probably in a frenzy of love. Stenhammar was very young when he wrote this opera. Probably one can discover a lot of Wagner in this opera with all its leitmotifs. What is truly remarkable is that Stenhammar already at this young age had found completely his personal style. It is for me unbelieble that this wonderful work has been performed so seldom in Sweden. Just listen to the remarkable folk music inspired second act and the gripping end. The music here raises above the local drama and becomes something broadly humane about love and relationships. Should be heard at opera houses around the world. I hope this first recording ever will lead to this.

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