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Wagner : L'anneau du Nibelung. Gould, Watson, Dohmen, Thielemann.
Diapason de février 2010
Critique de Emmanuel Dupuy
Page n° 90
Format : 14 CD
Durée totale : 14:57:00

Enregistrement : 2008
Lieu : Bayreuth
Pays : Allemagne
Prise de son : Live / Stereo

Label : Opus Arte
Référence : OACD9000BD
EAN : 0809478090007
Code Prix : DM069

Année d'édition : 2009
Date de sortie : 01/11/2009

Genre : Classique
Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
L'Anneau du Nibelung (Der Ring des Nibelungen), cycle de 4 opéras
L'Or du Rhin (Das Rheingold), opéra en un acte
La Valkyrie (Die Walküre), opéra en 3 actes
Siegfried, opéra en 3 actes
Le Crépuscule des dieux (Götterdämmerung), opéra en 3 actes

Albert Dohmen
Ralf Lukas
Clemens Bieber
Arnold Bezuyen
Kwangchul Youn
Hans-Peter König
Andrew Shore
Gerhard Siegel
Michelle Breedt
Edith Haller
Christa Mayer
Fionnuala McCarthy
Ulrike Helzel
Simone Schröder (L'Or du Rhin)
Endrik Wottrich
Kwangchul Youn
Albert Dohmen
Eva-Maria Westbroek
Linda Watson
Michelle Breedt
Martina Dike
Sonja Mühleck
Anna Gabler
Martina Dike
Simone Schröder
Edith Haller
Wilke te Brummelstroete
Annette Küttenbaum
Manuela Bress (La Valkyrie)
Stephen Gould
Gerhard Siegel
Albert Dohmen
Andrew Shore
Hans-Peter König
Christa Mayer
Linda Watson
Robin Johannsen (Siegfried)
Stephen Gould
Ralf Lukas
Hans-Peter König
Andrew Shore
Linda Watson
Edith Haller
Christa Mayer
Simone Schröder
Martina Dike
Edith Haller
Fionnuala McCarthy
Ulrike Helzel
Simone Schröder (Le crépuscule des Dieux)
Choeur du Festival de Bayreuth
Orchestre du Festival de Bayreuth
Christian Thielemann, direction

Wagner's epic four-opera cycle is a work of extraordinary scale - a full performance takes place over four nights with a total playing time of approximately 15 hours. Based loosely on characters from the Norse sagas, it is a work that follows the struggles of gods, heroes, mythical creatures, and the eponymous magical Ring that grants dominion over the entire world. The music is richly textured, and grows in complexity as the cycle proceeds - Wagner wrote for an orchestra of gargantuan proportions, including a greatly enlarged brass section with new instruments invented especially for the work. The Bayreuth Festspielhaus was constructed for this work to be performed in, with a specially designed stage that allows singers voices to blend with the huge orchestra without straining - essential for such long performances

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50,16 €
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