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Quilter, Korngold, Finzi : Shakespeare Songs. Bobrzecki, Mikolon.
Format : 1 CD
Durée totale : 00:53:22

Enregistrement : 11/07-22/11/2013
Pays : Pologne
Prise de son : Stereo

Label : Acte Préalable
Référence : AP0352
EAN : 5901741653522
Code Prix : DM017A

Année d'édition : 2016
Date de sortie : 01/01/2016

Genre : Classique
Roger Quilter (1877-1953)
Five Shakespeare Songs, op. 23
Fear No More the Heat o' the Sun
Under the Greenwood Tree
It Was a Lover and His Lass
Take, O Take Those Lips Away
Hey, Ho, The Wind and the Rain
Three Shakespeare Songs, op. 6
Come Away, Death
O, Mistress Mine
Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind
Four shakespeare Songs, op. 40
Who Is Silvia?
When Daffodils Begin to Peer
How should I Your True Love Know?
Sigh No More, Ladies

Erich Wolfgang Korngold (1897-1957)
Songs of the Clown, op. 29
Come Away, Death
O Mistress Mine
Adieu, Good Man Evil
Hey, Robin!
For the Rain, It Raineth Every Day

Gerald Finzi (1901-1956)
Let Us Garlands Bring, op. 18
Come Away, Come Away, Death
Who Is silvia?
Fear No More the Heat o' the Sun
O, Mistress Mine
It Was a Lover and His Lass

Krzysztof Bobrzecki, baryton
Anna Mikolon, piano

Music was one of the key elements of a dramatic performance in the Shakespearean theatre. Its usage compensated for staging deficiencies resulting from obscure lighting and simplistic stage design. In the works of contemporary playwrights, the relationship between music and the on-stage action was frequently of minor importance, but Shakespeare never perceived music as an external entity. On the contrary, he tended to integrate it with his characters and plot. Alongside the purely instrumental music used to accompany feasts and banquets, herald the entrance of a king, or to illustrate a battle or a duel, his plays also made use of vocal music. The abundant and varied legacy of music associated with Shakespeare is grounded in its necessity in stage productions throughout the centuries. In addition to this, there are equally numerous autonomous compositions that hint at his oeuvre. In practical terms, all these types of legacy have generated an uncountable number of musical pieces, including songs, symphonies, ballets, operas, musicals and film music, as well as jazz and popular music.

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