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Accueil  Catalogue  Jazz  UTR4106
Kadash : Kadash am Berg
Format : 1 CD
Durée totale : 01:00:05

Label : Unit Records
Référence : UTR4106
EAN : 7619942410629
Code Prix : DM015A

Année d'édition : 1997
Date de sortie : 01/12/1997

Genre : Jazz
der ruf der wildnis
minimale vegetation
kein land in sicht
kleinholz, kleiner fisch
gneis, gnade oder gnu
die syntax des abfalls
als tränk ich elektrizität
chefrechner gott
ich manischer mensch
sarg im aufwind
und schenk uns intakte organe
in wessen knickerbocker
gipfel tun nur so
am toten punkt
zur gleichen zeit

Text, Roland Heer
Rezitation, Bertl Mütter, Stimme, Posaune
Musik, Kadash
Co Streiff, Saxophone, Bassklarinette, Perkussion
Tommy Meier, Saxophone, Bassklarinette, Perkussion
Martin Schumacher, Saxophone, Blechklarinette, Perkussion
Ben Jeger, Akkordeon, Farfisa, Perkussion
Christian Kuntner, Kontrabass, Perkussion
Fredi Flükiger, Schlagzeug, Perkussion

Lyrical and Delirious Word-Concert based on texts of Roland Herr Kadash, the long-standing group of Co Streiff, have released their second production for UNIT: "Am Berg". It's a work steeped in legend, and an experience that while demanding a lot of the listener gives much more in return. "Am Berg" is a lyrical and delirious word-concert based on the text of the same name by Roland Heer. It's a theatrical/acoustic setting of the exploits of mountainclimber K. - his climbing and collapsing, his repeated falling and his slow disappearance. We are witness to the runaway merry-go-round of his last flickering thoughts; we hear the voice in his head together with every sound that has ever been heard. Collapse and death as helplessness and absurdity. We laugh but suddenly fall silent again, perplexed. The words of K's final thought - kaleidoscope penetrate the sound-landscape that Kadash have created. The music can be a panorama behind the words but then falls away like an avalanche - it threatens and comforts; it obscures one moment and is like a flood the next; it speaks us and listens attentively; it spews joy as well as ash... it's a requiem of laughter and chattering teeth.

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