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Accueil  Catalogue  Jazz  UTR4244
Idée Manu : water chute
Format : 1 CD
Durée totale : 00:47:02

Label : Unit Records
Référence : UTR4244
EAN : 7640114792441
Code Prix : DM015A

Année d'édition : 2010
Date de sortie : 17/09/2010

Genre : Jazz
Fertig Luschtig
Danse De La Fureur, Pour Les Sept Trompettes
Le Water-Chute
Vocalise, Pour L'Ange Qui Annonce La Fin Du Temps
Easy Piece
Le Yachting
Schnell Ohne Titel

Manuela Keller, Piano and Composition
Nick Gutersohn, Trombone
Jan Schlegel, Electric Bass
Marco Käppeli, Drums

IDÃo/ooE MANU idée manu has been in existence for four years and bears the signature of Manuela Keller. Together with Nick Gutersohn, Jan Schlegel and Marco Käppeli, who has come on board last year, she has compiled a new programme. The band plays compositions from Manuela Keller, as well as music from Olivier Messiaen and Erik Satie, which she has arranged for the group. Originally trained in classical music, the pianist Manuela Keller moved into the area of Jazz music and free improvisation quite a while ago. After a period of intensive exploration of electronic music, her focus has returned to solely playing the piano for some time now. With this band, she is fulfilling a long held wish to bring together her diverse musical experiences. The musical language of the quartet is defined by the spontaneity of free improvisation, the sophistication of classical music, and the groove of Jazz. The improvisations are based on sound material or rhythms of the music pieces, sometimes opening windows for completely free parts. A groovy played Messiaen has its place as much as rhythmically complex themes, free improvised parts and jazzy passages. What connects the four musicians is the love for music that arises on the spur of the moment and leaves room for spontaneous interaction. With passionate playfulness, openness and curiosity they navigate through diverse musical worlds and surprise themselves again and again. idée manu juxtaposes the unfamiliar and opens one's ears for the new!

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