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Fauré : Les deux quatuors pour piano. The Schubert Ensemble.
Format : 1 CD
Durée totale : 01:04:48

Enregistrement : 1998-1999
Lieu : Bristol
Pays : Royaume-Uni
Prise de son : Eglise / Stereo

Label : Nimbus
Référence : NI6296
EAN : 0710357629624

Année d'édition : 2015
Date de sortie : 22/04/2015

Genre : Classique
Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)
Quatuor pour piano n° 1 en do mineur, op. 15
Quatuor pour piano n° 2 en sol mineur, op. 45

The Schubert Ensemble
Simon Blendis, violon
Douglas Paterson, alto
Jane Salmon, violoncelle
William Howard, piano

Gabriel Fauré seems at first glance to fit neatly into the history of French music, as a pupil of Saint-Saëns and a teacher of Ravel. Yet he stands apart from the mainstrea m because of his unique musical language, and because rather than writing colourful orchestral pieces he preferred to work in the comparatively modest media of the song, solo piano and chamber music. With the exception of the late String Quartet, all of his chamber works combine the piano, Fauré’s own instrument as a performer, with strings. Among the earlier works, written in the late 1870s and mid-1880s, are the two Quartets for piano and string trio. This was a combination for which most of the models belonged to the German tradition, from Mozart to Schumann and Brahms – though the re was a recent French precedent in the B flat major Quartet by Fauré’s teacher and friend Saint-Saëns, completed and first performed in 1875.

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