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Accueil  Catalogue  Jazz  STR57915
Dino Betti van der Noot : Notes Are But Wind.
Format : 1 CD Digipack
Durée totale : 00:59:47

Enregistrement : 2015
Lieu : Milan
Pays : Italie
Prise de son : Stereo

Label : Stradivarius
Référence : STR57915
EAN : 8011570579157
Code Prix : DM021A

Année d'édition : 2015
Date de sortie : 01/09/2015

Genre : Jazz
Notes Are But Wind
Notes Are But Wind
Memories from a Silent Nebula
In the Deep Bosom of the Ocean
Midwinter Sunshine
The Rest Is Music, dédié à Giorgio Gaslini

The Orchestra
Gianpiero LoBello
Alberto Mandarini
Daniele Moretto
Alberto Capra
Luca Begonia
Stefano Calcagno
Enrico Allavena
Gianfranco Marchesi
Sandro Cerino
Francesco Bianchi
Giulio Visibelli
Claudio Tripoli
Gilberto Tarocco
Luca Gusella
Emanuele Parrini
Niccolò Cattaneo
Vincenzo Zitello
Gianluca Alberti
Stefano Bertoli
Tiziano Tononi

Composing jazz means having in mind not only a precise musical group but also each single musician who will play the score. From my viewpoint, then, composing jazz doesn’t mean just to create something from which the soloists can be inspired and on which they can improvise, but to build up a path where composer, sidemen and improvisers can meld their talents and their personalities in order to make a new whole – hopefully different from all the music previously done. In other words, the improvised interventions are an integral part of the written composition, that could not be possible without these, essential for its balance – sometimes nearly confused in the whole musical fabric, or clearly in opposition to it. In the end, it should be difficult to find a precise border between written composition and moments where the instantaneous composers can be stimulated to create something different from what they do normally – although without losing their own spontaneous style, which makes each of them unique. Throughout this album you can find three new compositions and two that are thirty-something years old : it is not a matter of nostalgia, but the desire to see whether what I conceived at that time is still valid and is coherent with what I’m doing now.

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