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Accueil  Catalogue  Jazz  UTR4495
Bovet Brothers Quartet : Morning Song
Format : 1 CD
Durée totale : 01:14:23

Label : Unit Records
Référence : UTR4495
EAN : 7640114794957
Code Prix : DM015A

Année d'édition : 2014
Date de sortie : 01/01/2014

Genre : Jazz
Morning Song
November Mood
One for Billy S
It Could Have Been You
Made in Praha
Frijoles con Cerdo
Why Don't You Believe Me
Lullaby Waltz
Warming Up
Weep not child
Just for fun
Parillada con Pimiento
Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Cedric Bovet, Tenor, Soprano and Baryton Saxophones, Flute Philippe Bovet, Piano
Pierre-André Glauser, Bass
Lucien Bovet, Drums (Vocal on Trafalgar)
Guest artists, Jean-Daniel Stämpfli (Percussions and Darbuka on Frijoles con Cerdo), Majed Chergui (Percussions and Congas on Frijoles con Cerdo and Parillada con Pimiento), Jean-Pierre Métraux (Baryton Saxophone on Warming Up),

Ten years already since the latest CD by the Bovet family came out on the market. Instead of putting away our instruments we kept on working with a new bass-player and friend, Pierre-André Glauser. Mainly Ph.Bovet (piano), but also Cedric (saxophones) and Pierre-André have written the pieces of this album. During rehearsals, Lucien (Drums) also likes taking an active part in the finalization of the music and arrangements. Indeed, we greatly enjoy creating our own music, working out the most efficient formulas and testing them on our audiences. BB4's jazz is modern, tinted with latin and afro rhythm , favouring composition and spontaneity. Cohesion, enjoyment and interaction are the key-words that characterize our music. A constructive ambience and suitable warm sound was found at Maqam Studio in La Chaux-de-Fonds. The music is played live on the CD. Some colours were added on a few tunes by saxophone and flute overdubbing to make the music richer, more fluent and spicy.

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