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Beethoven : Intégrale des sonates pour violon et piano. Duo Concertante.
Format : 3 CD
Durée totale : 03:37:05

Enregistrement : 2011-2012
Lieu : Toronto
Pays : Canada
Prise de son : Studio / Stereo

Label : Marquis
Référence : MAR81517
EAN : 0774718151728

Année d'édition : 2013
Date de sortie : 01/01/2013

Genre : Classique
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Sonate en mi bémol majeur, op. 12, n° 3
Sonate en la mineur, op. 23
Sonate en ré majeur, op. 12, n° 1
Sonate en sol majeur, op. 30, n° 3
Sonate en fa majeur, op. 24 "Spring"
Sonate en la majeur, op. 12, n° 2
Sonate en la majeur, op. 47 "Kreutzer"
Sonate en do mineur, op. 30, n° 2
Sonate en la majeur, op. 30, n° 1
Sonate en sol majeur, op. 96

Duo Concertante
Nancy Dahn, violon
Timothy Steeves, piano

This 3-CD set presents the complete Beethoven sonatas for Violin and Piano, performed by Duo Concertante: Nancy Dahn, violin, and Timothy Steeves, piano. "The Beethoven violin sonatas represent a turning point in the history of the violin and piano repertoire, because these sonatas aren't piano sonatas with a violin accompaniment or obligato, but actually written for two equal forces. This cycle of Beethoven sonatas has become incredibly important in terms of who we are as performers. We play a Beethoven sonata with almost every concert we give. There is a perfect Beethoven sonata for every program because there's such a huge range within the set... He transcends the needs of the instrumentalists to find pure musical expression. Having the opportunity to play and record these sonatas is really a high point in our career, and it's something that we had dreamed about doing for a long time. It's been a huge task, but we have learned so much from doing it. We hope the permanence and constancy of these Beethoven sonatas in our daily lives and the great joy that they bring to us are tangible in these recordings." Duo Concertante

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