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Bach : Trois sonates pour violon et clavecin. Bryla, Banaszkiewicz-Bryla.
Format : 1 CD
Durée totale : 00:42:28

Label : DUX
Référence : DUX1494
EAN : 5902547014944
Code Prix : DM019A

Année d'édition : 2018
Date de sortie : 01/10/2018

Genre : Classique
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-170)
Sonate n° 1 pour violon et clavecin en si mineur, BWV 1014
Sonate n° 2 pour violon et clavecin en la majeur, BWV 1015
Sonate n° 3 pour violon et clavecin en mi majeur, BWV 1016

Aleksandra Bryla, violon
Maria Banaszkiewicz-Bryla, clavecin

In the work of Johann Sebastian Bach, one can distinguish two groups of sonatas composed for violin and an accompanying them harpsichord. The first of these are works where the harpsichord plays only the role of basso continuo. The second group includes violin and harpsichord works in which Bach definitively breaks with the tradition of basso continuo, conferring autonomous meaning to both parts. It is to this category that 6 Sonatas marked in the catalogue of the composer’s works from 1014 to 1019 belong to, the first three of which recorded on the present CD by excellent instrumentlists, Aleksandra Bryla and Maria Banaszkiewicz-Bryla. The unusual for Bach composition techniques employed here reveal a somewhat different image of the composer, devoid of ordinary seriousness or severity.

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